Friday, December 7, 2018

Why the Sea Slug Has Two Mouths

Why the Sea Slug Has Two Mouths
(A Story from Samoa)

There was a war between the fishes and the birds. The day had been named on which this war would start, and at low tide that morning the fishes’ war-party went to the reef. So did the birds. Their chosen battleground was on that place. The birds and fishes fought, and all the fish were thrown into the sea. Cried the sea-slug, “Bravo, birds, bravo.”

Then the fishes climbed up again and began to throw the birds upon the land. Cried the sea-slug when the fish were winning, ‘Bravo, fishes! O my friends, bravo.’

Thus neither of those war-parties knew which side the slug was on; and thus we say, ”The sea-slug has two mouths-one at either end.’

So it is also with men. When a chief makes a speech both ways we say, ‘He has two mouths, like a sea-slug.’ For the cowardly men are known.

Sea slug 

Legends of the South Seas
Antony Alpers
Page: 301

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